Portland sunrise 1

11 stunning destinations

Experience views like no other

Sailing with Boatfolk marinas

See things differently

Reimagine boating with boatfolk

Portland sunrise 1

11 stunning destinations

Experience views like no other

Sailing with Boatfolk marinas

See things differently

Reimagine boating with boatfolk


A little something for everyone

Stories, news and updates from the boatfolk at our marinas


The experience of being out on the water is like no other and we think even more people should have the chance to experience it. We're on a shared mission with the Andrew Simpson Foundation to make it simpler for young people to have fun afloat, even if you've never boated before.

Boatgen provides all the freedom of boating with none of the uncertainty of going it alone. We'll introduce you to new activities and a community of other young boaters who are just as passionate about the water as you are. 

boatgen homepage image (2)

Find, love and do whatever floats your boat

A home for all the things that make it great to be in, on, or by the water.

Buying? Selling? Keep things simple

Whether you’re taking the plunge and buying your first boat or are ready for an upgrade, make your life easier by speaking with our dedicated boat sales and brokerage business, boatpoint.

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