East Cowes Contractor Toolkit

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in keeping our sites safe for everyone

Prop polish

Contractor Information


Upon arrival, all contractors are required to report to the Marina Office. Those in need of a Daily Contractor permit should complete the daily contractor registration form and sign the visitor book. Upon completion, contractors will receive their ID permit.

Sign-Out Procedure

Before leaving the site, contractors should sign out at the Marina Office in the visitor book and return the permit. 


To be recognised as a registered contractor, individuals will be issued a Daily Contractor ID card which must be carried at all times while onsite and during work.

Access to Vessels

Contractors needing access to marina-held keys must have prior permission from the vessel owner, documented on the vessel's key log sheet. Keys cannot be released without being on the authorised list for that vessel.

Waste Disposal

East Cowes marina accepts standard general waste and recycling only. Dispose of only listed substances/items from jobs conducted on our sites. No pyrotechnics, fire extinguishers, or pressurized cylinders are accepted. CCTV monitors disposal areas, and any unauthorised items will result in additional charges passed on to the contractor.

Prohibited Works

"Hot works" are not permitted on either site without prior written approval from the boatcare or marina manager.



Pontoon Safety

Safety ladders are fitted around the marina, this is detailed on the marina plans at the bottom of this page.

SOS bollards are located around the pontoons. Locations are on the marina plan and highlighted by SOS bands on the closest pontoon piles. These all hold a life ring, fire extinguisher & first aid kit.

In the event of someone falling into the water, please alert the marina office by calling 01983 29 39 83

If you fall into the water;

  • Stay calm
  • Shout for help
  • Try to make your way to the nearest safety ladder

We recommend always wearing a life jacket whilst on the pontoons.

Please do not obstruct the pontoon walkways and return trollies to the trolly parks when you have finished with them.

Fire Procedures

If you discover a fire please inform the marina office immediately on 01983 29 39 83

If for some reason you cannot get through to the office please call the emergency services on 999

In the event of a fire

Please proceed calmly to the fire muster point which is located next to the marquee

In the event of a fire on the pontoons

  • A loud hailer will sound from a member of staff with a megaphone.
  • Direction for evacuation will be given.
  • If the route back the pontoon bridge head is impeded by the fire, please proceed to the furthest up-wind hammerhead pontoon from the fire.
  • A workboat will be deployed to bring you to safety

Fire in a building;

  • Upon hearing the fire alarm, please proceed to the muster point

Weekly fire alarm checks take place, a member of staff will inform everyone in the building of the test prior to it taking place.

Marina Plan

East Cowes Marina plan

Marina Map

East Cowes map

A little something for everyone

Visitor booking Berthing quote