19th April 2020
We were really taken by the passion for the environment shown by Loris Pattinson.
He is a young man, with a very clear mission, to circumnavigate the UK in his Bradwell 18 cleaning every beach in every village, town and city he stops at. Loris’ drive was responded to very positively by boatfolk, with our Managing Director stating that if we cannot help such remarkable people as Loris then we are not on the right track.
The boatcare team at Deacons Marina have helped him prepare his yacht ready for his mission over the winter. Across our eleven marinas, we will be doing all we can to roll up our sleeves and join in with the beach cleans, as well using our established communication channels to help engage with the local community to support Loris’ remarkable effort.
We know that when Loris has been to a given stopover, that he, the community and the crew at boatfolk will be far richer for the experience – leaving the beaches cleaner, and everyone more focused on the challenge that we all face to reduce the plastic pollution in our waters. The mission will also shine a light on all of our habits on land, to eliminate the use of needless single use plastic.
Well done Loris – we salute you!