Please help us and dispose of waste correctly
It’s important to look after our planet for future generations. Here at boatfolk we’re doing our bit to protect our oceans, coastlines and wildlife. As a member of the boatfolk community we ask you to do your bit too.
It is very important to us at Penarth Marina that we recycle and dispose of refuse in as an environmentally friendly and efficient manner as possible. We hold a European Blue Flag and operate a Port Waste Management Plan and recycling is key within these standards.
We have two bin compounds one behind the Marina office and one opposite the main entrance in the inner basin with three different types of bins.
Grey lid -General waste for landfill.
Orange lid - Co-mingled waste for recycling paper/card/ plastic/cans (no black bags)
Black- Glass (small bins), no plastic bags.
Cross contamination of the co-mingled recycling & Glass results in the whole orange lid bin or small glass bins not being collected and ending up going to landfill so please make every effort to not cross contaminate.
In the Marina Boatyard there are additional general waste bins. There is also a bin with a blue lid which is solely for cardboard. Please empty and flatten cardboard boxes before putting them in this bin. In the boatyard we have a tank for waste oil, oil filter drum and we also collect batteries for recycling.
Please ask the berthing master's for assistance if you can’t find the right bin.
For More information please see our Port Waste Management Plan below. Also look at our responsible boating section to see what we are doing and how you can help us do our bit for the environment.