
Marina Manager

Paul website

Rarely out of shorts, even in the depths of winter, whatever's going on at the marina you'll find Paul in the thick of the action and you'll probably hear him too! He'll find any excuse to get outside and avoid his nemesis - paperwork... Music lover, bassist, eco-warrior, adventurer, sailor, allotment gardener, raiser of two mini eco-warriors and lover of DMC's... (deep and meaningful conversations), we're lucky to have such an enthusiastic skipper at the helm!

Most likely to say... "Team work makes the dream work"

Favourite way to get afloat... Sailing in a Westerly

Loves... Music, playing bass, adventures, smiling

Pet hate... Polystyrene, ketchup, poor radio etiquette

Would love to explore... the Pacific by boat

A little something for everyone

Visitor booking Berthing quote