
boatcare Co-ordinator


Dan's previous life playing bass and coordinating his band touring around Europe has prepared him well for life in the boatcare office. Precision organisation is the name of his game and an ability to do one thing with one hand whilst the other is doing something totally different, all served up with a friendly smile and a healthy dose of humour. You may be forgiven for thinking you've stepped back in time when talking to him, due to his love of using ye olde english wordes and phrases!

Since the birth of his son, Dan has discovered the joys of cooking and is now an avid amateur chef, cooking up a storm for his family.

Most likely to say... "Greetings my lord/lady"

Favourite way to get afloat... on a dive boat and then under the water please!

Loves... Music, playing squash, cooking and spending time with his family.

Pet hate... The Killers 'Mr Brightside', dishonesty

Would love to explore... Coral reefs anywhere!

Bake him a cake... Lemon Drizzle 🍋

A little something for everyone

Visitor booking Berthing quote