Getting to Portland Marina

By sea or by land, come and visit

Getting to Portland Marina

How to find us

Although it's easy to get to Portland Marina by land, nothing beats an arrival by sea. 

Boatfolk Portland SimpleTruth JennaFoxton 2020 80

Arriving by boat?

Directions by sea

Via Portland Harbour north entrance – follow the marked fairway heading south west past two port lateral markers to the safe water mark then turn south past another port lateral marker to the swinging moorings outside the marina entrance.

Via Portland Harbour east entrance – Call Portland Port on VHF Ch.74 to check it is clear to transit the entrance as this is used by 95% of the commercial shipping moving in and out of the harbour. Once through, head south west towards the marina entrance, the dry stack building is usually easy to spot and makes a good aiming point until you’re closer in and can pick up the marina breakwater.

If the traffic light system is lit in any configuration on either entrance, a commercial vessel is using the entrance so stay clear.

There is a 6-knot speed limit marked by yellow buoys just off the marina entrance. Watch out for sailing dinghies entering and exiting the marina breakwater from the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy.

The marina is accessed via the north side of the breakwater, the gap in the breakwater to the south is shallow and doesn’t give access to the marina berths. Once through the marina breakwater, turn to port between the breakwater and T pontoon to access the visitors area and finger berths or continue straight on to berth alongside M pontoon or the runway pontoon for lift out.


Portland Marina, Osprey Quay, 6 Hamm Beach Road, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DX.

Latitude: 50° 34.46' North
Longitude: 2° 27.26' West

Travelling by car?

Directions by road

From the east and west follow the A35 to Dorchester, from the north west it’s the A37 you need. At Dorchester take the A354 towards Weymouth, follow this through Weymouth, signposted for Portland. Once across Portland Beach Road (the causeway) at the first roundabout take the first exit signposted Weymouth and Portland Sailing Academy. Drive past the Academy and take the first exit at the mini roundabout. Follow the road into the marina and park in the car park on the left (berth holders only) or main car park in front of the Dry Stack building (visitors and contractors).

Choosing public transport?

Directions by train and ferry

There’s a direct train from London to Weymouth train station which is in the heart of the town and 5 minutes walk to our sister marina in Weymouth. From the station you can take a taxi or the number 1 bus to Portland.

If you’d like to stretch your legs, the Rodwell trail is 5km on pedestrian paths. From the station walk right across the bridge and take the underpass under the main road. Follow the footpath up and left onto the trail and then keep walking until you pop out at Ferry Bridge on the mainland side of the causeway. Stay on the left hand side of the road and follow the path along Hamm Beach until you get to Lidl and then follow the pavement left at the roundabout and past the WPNSA until you arrive in the marina!

In summer there’s also a ferry which runs from Brewers Quay in Weymouth (south side of the town bridge) to Portland Marina. We recommend looking online to find the ferry schedule and please note that it is weather dependant. 

Visitor booking Berthing quote