Jack K (Keano)

Assistant Marina Manager

Boatfolk Portland SimpleTruth JennaFoxton 2020 18

Jack (known as Keano because we can’t cope with two Jack’s!) is not only "the best forklift operator Portland has ever seen", but he’s got more sea miles than most of us. An RYA Yachtmaster Ocean at 20, he’s the chap to speak to for long distance voyaging advice! Inseparable from the other Jack, collectively they're known as J2O. 

Keano recently completed his IMM course (no, not to be an International Man of Mystery, but the Intermediate Marina Manager's course) in Portugal and Keano is very grateful to one local gentleman, ask him why the next time you see him!

Most likely to say... "It's nearly Friday!"

Favourite way to get afloat... on a boat! Preferably one with sails, but he's not picky if someone else is picking up the fuel bill!

Loves... Liverpool FC, sailing & stand-up comedy

Pet hate... badly made tea...

Would love to explore... South America

Bake him a cake... no frills choccy cake, nothing fancy!

A little something for everyone

Visitor booking Berthing quote