8th February 2023
During COVID we removed all hoses from the pontoons to help prevent the spread of that terrible disease.
We have sought advice about pontoon hoses and have been referred to a guidance document published by the Industry Specialist Consulting Group for the Marine Industry on the safe operation of water facilities in marinas, boatyards, and sailing centres.
The guidance document was compiled for several reasons, including increasing the safety of drinking water going onto boats (i.e. preventing stagnant hose pipe water from going into water tanks) and reducing the amount of water wasted by hose pipes that do not have shut-off valves at the ends. Also one of the main reasons was how to prevent seawater from getting into hose pipes that have been left dangling over the edge of the pontoon.
This guidance document has been approved for use by British Marine, The Canal & Rivers Trust, the Royal Yachting Association and The Yacht Harbour Association, and is considered within the boating industry as a best practice guidance document.
Going forward, to ensure that safe and clean water is available on the pontoons we've decided along with many other marinas to adopt this guidance document.
Unfortunately, as a result, we will not reinstate our blue hose pipes.
What does this mean for berth holders and marina users?
We recommend that boat owners have the following:
We understand these changes may inconvenience some marina users and some may see it as a backwards step and for that, we apologise.
We believe that by adopting ‘best practice’ we will ensure the continued safe operation of water facilities within the marina.