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13th September 2023


Fire Onboard

Plan for the Unexpected

Recently, we all saw the news about the unfortunate boat fire incident at our sister marina in Conwy.

While we hope to never face such a situation, it's crucial that we all have a plan in case of an emergency, especially a fire onboard.

Have You Considered Your Fire Plan? In the face of an emergency, knowing what to do can make all the difference. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time boat owner, having a fire plan is essential. Here are the key points to remember if a fire starts onboard:

Switch Off Fuel and Gas: If possible, immediately turn off the fuel and gas supply to prevent the fire from spreading.

Safety First: Move as far away from the fire as possible while staying on deck. Ensure that everyone onboard is wearing a lifejacket.

Call for Help: If you're berthed up at the marina, evacuate the boat and dial 999 immediately. Don't hesitate; prompt action is crucial.

 A Marina Fire 

  • If it's safe to do so, isolate gas and fuel supplies on your boat.
  • Evacuate the vessel, ensuring everyone wears a lifejacket.
  • Call the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service at 999.
  • Contact the marina on VHF 11 or by phone at 02891453297. ·
  • Inform neighboring vessels.
  • Only attempt to tackle the fire if it's safe to do so, keeping your safety a top priority.

A Fire at Sea 

  • Prioritize safety; only tackle the fire if it's safe.
  • Contact the Coastguard, providing your position or landmarks for reference.
  • Ensure everyone is wearing a lifejacket.
  • Prepare to abandon the boat, gather your emergency grab bag (including flares, VHF radio, compass), and ready the life raft.
  • If safe, isolate gas and fuel supplies.
  • Do not open the engine panel unless necessary, as this could fuel the fire.
  • Abandon the boat as a last resort.

Help Us Help You

To assist the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service in the event of a fire emergency, we maintain a register of hazardous materials onboard your boat.

If you haven't already completed a form, please download a copy or pick one up from the marina office.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Your safety and the safety of everyone in our marina community is paramount.

Let's all be proactive in our approach to fire safety, so we can continue to enjoy our time on the water with peace of mind.

Stay safe and enjoy your time on the water

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