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15th March 2023


Welcome Charlie

Say hello to Charlie , our new berthing master

Charlie comes from a long line of Burns family members who have worked here, including his beloved father Bradley, who many of us have fond memories of.

Charlie is a hard-working and trustworthy young man who has spent his summer months with us, learning the ropes and quickly becoming an integral part of our team.

When he's not working you might find him in the gym or cheering on his favourite rugby team, Ireland.

One thing's for sure, Charlie is always up for a good chat and has a quick wit and easy-going nature that makes him a joy to be around.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of some assistance, keep an eye out for Charlie.

He'll be the one with a friendly smile on his face, ready and eager to lend a hand and make sure everything runs smoothly.

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